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bruuuno 11:09 Wed Jul 13
Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Right on! Lets make this world a better place!


Harassment of women is to be recorded as a hate crime in a bid to tackle sexist abuse.
Nottinghamshire Police said it would expand its categories to include misogynistic incidents.
It means abuse or harassment which might not be a crime can be reported to and investigated by the police and support for the victim put in place.
Nottingham Women's Centre said it hopes it will help give more victims the courage to report incidents.
Chief Constable Sue Fish claimed it will make the county a safer place for women.

"What women face, often on a daily basis, is absolutely unacceptable and can be extremely distressing," she said.
"Nottinghamshire Police is committed to taking misogynistic hate crime seriously and encourages anyone who is affected by it to contact us without hesitation."
Work on the idea first started with the Nottinghamshire Safer for Women Conference last year, co-hosted by the police with the Nottingham Women's Centre.

The force defines misogyny hate crime as: "Incidents against women that are motivated by an attitude of a man towards a woman and includes behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman."
The classification now means people can report incidents which might not be considered to be a crime and the police will investigate.
Specially trained officers will also examine if and how a victim can be supported or if anything can be done to help prevent them being targeted again.
Domestic abuse will not be recorded as a misogyny hate crime because it has its own procedure, the force said.
Melanie Jeffs, centre manager at Nottingham Women's Centre said: "We're pleased to see Nottinghamshire Police recognise the breadth of violence and intimidation that women experience on a daily basis in our communities.
"Understanding this as a hate crime will help people to see the seriousness of these incidents and hopefully encourage more women to come forward and report offences."

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Your mum 9:06 Thu Jul 14
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
'Trouble is you have lots of cultures here now that treat women as second class to men.'

Like half the cunts on here?

The Kronic 9:02 Thu Jul 14
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Thanks MRS MAY, you leftie slag.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 9:02 Thu Jul 14
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
The Nottingham police will be fucking busy when someone reports the entire Muslim population of the city for this. I expect they'll find some reason for it not to count, though.

Shin Chan 8:53 Thu Jul 14
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Trouble is you have lots of cultures here now that treat women as second class to men.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 8:29 Thu Jul 14
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Fivetide 1:53 Wed Jul 13

No better, but at least you're being a bit more honest now. Don't be a mealy-mouthed cunt like AfM - if you've got something to say, come out and say it.

mashed in maryland 2:07 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Thi it all stems from this quote by some old pan-European bloke called Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi:

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. ...

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."

I'll just leave that there and say no more about it.,

Fivetide 1:53 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:52 Wed Jul 13
Except that I don't just disagree with his crass language, I also disagree that there is any "obvious truth of general meaning" in the entirety of his ludicrous rambling. I'm not leaping on a phrase as racist, I'm pointing out that his paranoid theorem is demented. Better?

Nagel 1:49 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
COOL HAND LUKE 12:13 Wed Jul 13

I'd never heard of the Kalergi plan before. Read a bit about it and noted the usual suspects mentioned - the Illuminati, Rothschild and Herzl (the founder of Zionism), but this time in a cunning plan to destroy the good white Christians of Europe by miscegenation.

It's a tin foil hat extravaganza for sure.

Toe Rag 1:17 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Good luck policing this one.

mashed in maryland 1:16 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
"I don't hate black people, I've got a colour telly"

JustAFatKevinDavies 1:15 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
how can I hate women?

my mothers one

mashed in maryland 1:12 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Hermit Road 1:03 Wed Jul 13

It could also be interpreted to mean things like holding a door open or letting a woman go ahead of you. Things like that seem to hugely offend feminists.

COOL HAND LUKE 1:06 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:52 Wed Jul 13

Hermit Road 1:03 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
"includes behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman."

Does this mean that if me and my wife stay at a hotel in Nottingham and I let it be known I fancy a bit, I can be nicked?

COOL HAND LUKE 1:01 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime

That's fine mate, I'm not asking you to accept or deny it. I know how it sounds. Sadly, it is fact that the gameplan for the EU was written up back in the 1920s, started to take shape in the early 1970s, and is rolling in accordance with the original blueprint as we speak.

Our 'ignorance' (if that's the right word) will be our downfall. We definitely need to exit the EU to survive/avoid what is going on, and that is the reason I will be very surprised if it is allowed to happen.

As you were.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 12:52 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Fivetide 12:21 Wed Jul 13

What I would do, if I were you, is to seize on one ill-chosen word that I can just about, with a bit of luck and a following wind, interpret as racist, and then throw that back at the poster as a way to deflect from the obvious truth of general meaning of his post.

Oh, sorry, you already did that!

Willtell 12:30 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
That sounds a bit too much like a "conspiracy theory" too far LUKE. Something that Golden Oldie might come up with.

I think the EU might well want to lose nations in the same way that Texans are Americans first and foremost. There are plenty of reasons to allow immigration but your theories are a little too far fetched for me.

Fivetide 12:29 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Lefty wimmin are coming to eat your tiny brain!

Fivetide 12:27 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Fucking hell Luke, is your colander and coat-hanger aerial securely strapped to your head, you conspiracy gorging lunatic!

Fivetide 12:21 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
"natural population" ffs...

COOL HAND LUKE 12:13 Wed Jul 13
Re: Nottingham police are to treat misogyny as a hate crime
Is this the lefties means of dramatically increasing the complaints about 'incidents' within the natural population, to dilute and hide the high level of 'woman bothering' by immigrants and refugees? And don't just blindly scream 'racist' and fail to engage your brain - THINK about it.

All we need now is for Sharia May and her cronies to find a way to wriggle out of Brexit, and the UK's enslavement under the Kalergi Plan (if it means nothing to you, Google it) will be well and truly under way.


If you go to towns like Boston, or Wisbech, Bradford, or even London itself, the process is heavily under way. Frighteningly, the Office for National Statistics admits that the English will be a minority in their own country within 10 years.

By which time, all the 4, 5 and 6 children in those families that are jamming the Walk In Centres and Schools etc will be voting age...

Our government already appears to have abandoned democracy (in full view of the WHOLE WORLD) in its desperation to adhere to the requirements of its EU masters (and their masters way above them).

A lot of people do not seem to have joined up the dots yet, but these are potentially some of the darkest days in British history.

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